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    PIXYBurning Man Project
    GIOMIKY --- ---
    The Burning Man Fiasco Is the Ultimate Tech Culture Clash
    The Burning Man Fiasco Is the Ultimate Tech Culture Clash - WNEWS247
    “Light weights.” That was the reply when Diplo posted a video of himself, Chris Rock, and several others escaping this year’s Burning Man after heavy rains left thousands of other Burners stranded and unable to leave. It was a small thing, but also encapsulated a growing divide between long-term attendees and those who show up expecting a weeklong Coachella in the Nevada desert.
    GIOMIKY --- ---
    Burning Man attendees make a mass exodus after a dramatic weekend that left thousands stuck in the Nevada desert
    “If you are able to depart BRC tomorrow 9/5, please do so,” event leaders wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, late Monday evening. “You might be much happier hanging out in camp with your friends than sitting in a static line of cars for many hours. Wake up refreshed on Tuesday and hit the road then.”
    GIOMIKY --- ---
    Burning Man escapee made ‘Dukes of Hazzard-style’ car jump to exit mud pit festival zone
    Burning Man escapee made 'Dukes of Hazzard-style' car jump to exit
    “One of the officials guiding traffic told us that if we wanted to make it across, we would need to back up, rev up the car, close our windows and gun it, Dukes of Hazzard-style” Gacad told The Post, referring to the 1970s TV show which featured the protagonists’ neon-orange Dodge Charger launching off a dirt ramp and jumping over a police car in its title credits.
    GIOMIKY --- ---
    Authorities release name of man who died at Burning Man, investigation into death ongoing
    Access in and out of the sprawling gathering has been cut off.
    Authorities release name of man who died at Burning Man, investigation into death ongoing - ABC News
    "If you are in BRC, conserve food, water and fuel, and shelter in a warm, safe space," organizers said in a statement posted on X, (formally known as Twitter).
    GIOMIKY --- ---
    Burning Man organizers lift driving ban after heavy rains left the event smothered in mud and trapped thousands
    Late Sunday evening, event organizers said there were 72,000 people on site and by midday Monday, roughly 64,000 people remained.
    MRTVY_KENNY --- ---
    jn + do archivu alespon :))
    No, There’s Not An Ebola Outbreak At Burning Man
    GIOMIKY --- ---
    Roads out of Burning Man may reopen today for the tens of thousands still trapped there after rain deluged the area with mud
    MR_G0RBY --- ---
    Festival Burning Man řeší, jak snížit svou emisní bilanci. Možná přestane pálit dřevěné sochy - Ekolist.cz
    KURVADRAT --- ---
    MILIS: Uz jsem na to koukal. Je to fotka z rana, zrovna se tam valime na beanbagu a nabizime kolemjdoucim michelady hehe :)
    MILIS --- ---
    Burning Man 2019 Aerial Image - Black Rock City
    MILIS --- ---
    OVECKA_MJ --- ---
    kdo tu byl a kdo bude letos? Znáte FB skupinu burning man czech od Míši?

    Byl jsem loni, letos letím zase... ještě nemám kemp, začnu to řešit někdy teď :) ... loni vše vyšlo spektakulárně skvěle :)

    MEDDOG: často se dají sehnat lístky od kempů, které mají DGS, za pomoc pár dní před a po eventu ... zkuste na eplaya
    KOERHE --- ---
    MEDDOG: Klidně něco zorganizuj, nic ti nebrání :-)
    MEDDOG --- ---
    A co dat do kupy nějaký ten projekt na příští rok?
    KOERHE --- ---
    TEKKANNE: Každý rok dáváme dohromady seznam lidí co chtějí jet a nemají lístek, a pak různě lístky sháníme. Sledujte ideálně FB stránku Burning man czech, myslim že se to tam řeší.
    Nebo asi i stránku Czech burners :)
    TEKKANNE --- ---
    MEDDOG: také by mě zajímalo

    kdyby náhodou se tu objevil někdo, kdo má lístek/lístky a nakonec nemůže jet, s radostí odkoupím! ;)
    PERPLEX --- ---
    Google has acquired the majority share of Burning Man - News - Mixmag
    MEDDOG --- ---
    Čaune ve spolek.
    Nějaké tipy na zakoupení lístku?
    PERPLEX --- ---
    Burning Man 2018 - aerial view - 4k
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